Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Strategy #6 Pattern Puzzle/Mystery Pot

What: Pattern Puzzle/ Mystery Pot

When: This could be used as a practice of material activity after something has been taught. it could also be used as a closing activity or a review for a test.

How: The ideas are mixed up and students need to sort them out, or they arranged in some way and need to be rearranged in another. This activity requires the physical manipulation of the puzzle pieces and the mental manipulation of concepts or ideas. Small pieces or strips of paper are cut up and put in an envelope. On each piece of paper there is a word, concept, or idea. The students are asked to empty the envelope and put the pieces together in a logical manner. This could be used in a foreign language classroom to practice sentence structure and grammar.

Why: This can be done as an individual, group, pair or whole class activity. It requires students to be thinking and discussing in the target language. They have to work out the problem, and put the pieces of the puzzle together to come up with a logical fit. This also help with interpersonal activities and communication.

Scroll down on the website and see more specifics of how to create your own pattern puzzle. A template is even available to be downloaded!

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