What: Think to yourself, Pair off in groups, Share Ideas with the class (Think, Paur, Share)
How: The students will read something (a passage, short story, etc), read in pairs, or listen to the teacher read aloud. The teacher will ask the class a question about what they have just read. Let the students think about it to themselves for a minute, then have them get into groups of two and exchange ideas. Once they have come up with an answer, the students can share their ideas with the entire class.
When: This can be used before a chapter begins to introduce students to new vocabulary and grammar structures that will be used. It can be used as preparation of an essay they may have to eventually write, helping students learn to pick out the important information.
Why: Allowing students to think about information before they have to answer may produce a better answer. If students have more time to formulate an answer, they will not be as nervous or experience as much anxiety. Allowing students to be put in pairs can help them to see the answer from another person’s point of view. It keeps them from being stuck in the book and listening to the teacher lecture. Everyone is required to think about the answer. This will avoid from students calling out or having over eager students always answer questions. each student is given an opportunity to formulate their own answer and idea. This is also a way to get students who don;t like to participate to be more involved. They may not have to share their answer to the entore class, but they have to share it to at least one other person. It is more of a learning activity, rather than an assignment. Students could be given participation grades and class work grades so they will want to do well. I think this is also important for foreign language classes becaus students will have an opprotunity to communicate ideas and thought into the target language.
How: The students will read something (a passage, short story, etc), read in pairs, or listen to the teacher read aloud. The teacher will ask the class a question about what they have just read. Let the students think about it to themselves for a minute, then have them get into groups of two and exchange ideas. Once they have come up with an answer, the students can share their ideas with the entire class.
When: This can be used before a chapter begins to introduce students to new vocabulary and grammar structures that will be used. It can be used as preparation of an essay they may have to eventually write, helping students learn to pick out the important information.
Why: Allowing students to think about information before they have to answer may produce a better answer. If students have more time to formulate an answer, they will not be as nervous or experience as much anxiety. Allowing students to be put in pairs can help them to see the answer from another person’s point of view. It keeps them from being stuck in the book and listening to the teacher lecture. Everyone is required to think about the answer. This will avoid from students calling out or having over eager students always answer questions. each student is given an opportunity to formulate their own answer and idea. This is also a way to get students who don;t like to participate to be more involved. They may not have to share their answer to the entore class, but they have to share it to at least one other person. It is more of a learning activity, rather than an assignment. Students could be given participation grades and class work grades so they will want to do well. I think this is also important for foreign language classes becaus students will have an opprotunity to communicate ideas and thought into the target language.
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